Saturday, April 15, 2006

Project Darkstar (Sun Gaming Server)

This piece of technology must become a good learning experience for many aspiring game developers. But, honestly, what's up with their promised performance of each "slice"? They say, it is going to support 200 to 500 players. I wonder if that's a workable scale... Sun wants some service providers to load up racks of servers and to rent them out, but is it possible to make any money after all cost is factored in? If game clieants are programs running on mobiles, for any decently big game one would need a server farm on order of tens of hundreds of servers. I just hope that number of concurrent clients supported by a slice can be streched further depending on number of parameters, like how interactive a game is, how many objects is the world populated with, etc. For instance, turn-based games are much less interactive. Does it mean such games are not supposed to be run on this server? Need to look around it a bit more. But I did like this in the introduction: "single stack of software running in a single process space". I've been advocating this approach at work, without success for now, since I set foot on campus.


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